Specialties within Physical Therapy:
- Women's Health
- Sports
- Orthopaedics
- Vestibular Rehab
- Neurological Rehab
- Lymphedema and Oncology Rehab
Specialties within Occupational Therapy:
- Certified Hand Therapy
- Custom Splinting
Special Services Available:
- Functional Capacity Assessments
- Work Conditioning
- Pre-employment Testing
- Golf Performance Training
- Sports Specific Performance Training
- ACL Injury Prevention
- Gait Analysis/ Running Analysis
- Biomechanical analysis of movement dysfunction
- Ergonomic Evaluations
- Concussion Rehabilitation
- Blood Flow Restriction Training
- Dry Needling
Sports Affiliations:
- St Petersburg College
- Brandon All Stars Cheerleading
- American Top Team
- Florida College
- Tampa Bay Youth Football League
- Calvary Christian High School
- Tampa Bay Ultimate Frisbee
- Pasco Special Olympics
- West Florida Flames
- NW Tampa Lacrosse